Committee: Sponsor: Waggoner
Analyst: Vee MoselyDate: 05/26/2022


Senate Bill 262 (Act 2022-355) as enacted could increase the administrative obligations of the Secretary of State by a small, undetermined amount to: (1) provide further for the maintenance of the official website the information relating to the membership of each board, commission, and task force; and (2) report annually to the Chairs of the House Boards, Agencies, and Commissions Committee and Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the membership and viability status of each board and; (3) recommend Sunset Committee review for boards inactive for five or more years.

In addition, the provisions of this act requires the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts to: (1) review expiration dates of terms of board members for statutory authority and compliance; and (2) examine and summarize compliance in preparing board audits, which is current practice for the Department.