Committee: JudiciarySponsor: Coleman-Madison
Analyst: Pete GroganDate: 04/04/2022


Senate Bill 220 as passed the Senate would allow parole violators that served a period of incarceration in a county jail for a parole violation to have that time credited to the balance of their original incarceration term. This provision has retroactive application, which could: (1) reduce the obligations of the Department of Corrections by an undetermined amount depending upon the number of parole violators that served time in holding prior to enactment of Act 2021-249 that would otherwise be required to serve the balance of their original sentence; and (2) this could reduce the obligations of the Bureau of Pardons and Paroles by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of parole violators that have their original sentence reduced, thereby reducing the period of supervision of the parolee by the Bureau.

 Jim Hill, Chair