Committee: State GovernmentSponsor: Waggoner
Analyst: Vee MoselyDate: 03/28/2022


Senate Bill 262 as passed the Senate could increase the administrative obligations of the Secretary of State by a small, undetermined amount to: (1) provide further for the maintenance of the official website information relating to the membership of each board, commission, and task force; and (2) report annually to the Chairs of the House Boards, Agencies, and Commissions Committee and Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the membership and viability status of each board and recommend Sunset Committee review for boards inactive for five or more years.

In addition, this bill requires the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts to review expiration dates of terms of board members for statutory authority and compliance and summarize compliance, which is current practice for the Department.

 Chris Pringle, Chair
State Government