Committee: Public Safety and Homeland SecuritySponsor: Rafferty
Analyst: Pete GroganDate: 03/15/2022


House Bill 462 as introduced could increase the obligations of the Department of Mental Health by a department-estimated $800,000 in fiscal year 2023 and an additional $50,000 each fiscal year thereafter to create and maintain the Voluntary Alabama Firearms Do-Not-Sell List and associated internet-based platform. This bill could further increase the obligations of the department by a department-estimated $200,000 in fiscal year 2023 to develop and implement a public relations campaign regarding this list.

This bill could also increase the administrative obligations of the Board of Examiners in Counseling, the Board of Medical Examiners, the Board of Nursing, and the Board of Examiners in Psychology to adopt rules to encourage licensees to inform the public of the Do-Not-Sell List.

Further, this bill could increase the administrative obligations of the circuit clerk’s office to accept and transmit Do-Not-Sell List registration information to the department.

Finally, this bill could increase receipts to the State General Fund and municipal general funds from fines; increase receipts to the State General Fund, county general funds, municipal general funds, and other funds to which court costs are deposited; and could increase the obligations of the State General Fund, district attorneys, and local jails by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of persons charged with and convicted of the offenses provided by this bill and the penalties imposed.

 Allen Treadaway, Chair
Public Safety and Homeland Security