Committee: Public Safety and Homeland SecuritySponsor: Shaver
Analyst: John FriedenreichDate: 03/15/2022


House Bill 490 as introduced could decrease potential vessel operator license fee receipts by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of 12 and 13 year-olds that may no longer be licensed by increasing the age limit for a person allowed to operate a personal watercraft to 14 years old.

This bill could increase receipts to the State General Fund and municipal general funds from fines; increase receipts to the State General Fund, county general funds, municipal general funds, and other funds to which court costs are deposited; and could increase the obligations of the State General Fund, district attorneys, and local jails by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of persons charged with and convicted of the offenses provided by this bill and the penalties imposed.

 Allen Treadaway, Chair
Public Safety and Homeland Security