Committee: HealthSponsor: Meadows
Analyst: Tiffany WeaverDate: 03/01/2022


House Bill 401 as introduced establishes the Pregnancy Launch Program to provide certain pregnancy and care plan coordination services to qualifying individuals as provided in this bill. This bill would increase the administrative and financial obligations of the Alabama Department of Public Health by an undetermined amount to: 1) contract with one or more agencies to provide the required services of the Pregnancy Launch Program; 2) establish a toll-free number for women to call to receive the resource assistance offers; 3) provide administrative support and coordination of the program; 4) complete annual audits of abortion providers at an estimated $995 per half day audit; and 5) adopt rules that will implement this bill.

This bill will also increase the administrative and financial obligations of any state agencies contracted by ADPH by an undetermined amount to: 1) provide the services required; 2) hire care agents to be available to provide resource assistance offers; and 3) provide monthly reports to ADPH regarding the number of resource assistance offers made.

In addition, this bill could increase the obligations of the Attorney General’s Office by an undetermined amount to enforce the provisions of this bill. This bill could also increase the receipts to the State General Fund by $5,000 for each civil penalty levied as provided by this bill and to the State General Fund, the counties, and the various funds which receive distributions from civil court fees.

 Paul W. Lee, Chair