Committee: Finance and Taxation General FundSponsor: Beasley
Analyst: Pete GroganDate: 02/16/2022



Senate Bill 89 as introduced would allow Department of Corrections K-9 officers that retired on or after January 1, 2022, to be eligible to retire as a state policeman and receive State Police retirement benefits. 

According to the actuary for the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA), based on the September 30, 2020, valuation, this bill would: (1) increase the unfunded liability of the State Police Plan by $5.8 million; (2) decrease employer contribution rates for state police Tier I members by 1.12% and by 1.08% for state police Tier II members; and (3) increase the obligations of the Department of Corrections (DOC), paid from the State General Fund, by an estimated $730,000 annually, however, this increase would be offset by the amount currently paid by DOC for K-9 Officers under the legacy Firefighter, Law Enforcement Officer, Correctional Officer (FLC) plan, an estimated $400,000, for a net increased annual obligation of $330,000.

 Greg Albritton, Chairperson
Finance and Taxation General Fund