Committee: Ways and Means General FundSponsor: Hill
Analyst: Pete GroganDate: 02/14/2022


House Bill 323 as introduced revises the compensation retired justices or judges receive when recalled to interim active duty to be no more than 25% of the salary of a similarly active judge with the same years of service. This bill would increase the annual obligations of the Administrative Office of Courts by an estimated $47,743 per Circuit Judge recalled to interim active duty and an estimated $47,401 per District Judge recalled to active service.

In addition, this bill would: 1) increase the administrative obligations of the Chief Justice and the Administrative Office of Courts, by an undetermined amount, to certify, prior to a judge being recalled to interim active duty, that there is a need in the circuit where the judge will serve based on the most recent weighted caseload study, for a circuit or district judge; and 2) would increase the administrative obligations of the Administrative Office of Courts, by an undetermined amount, to adopt rules for nominations to the Chief Justice and duties assigned to interim active duty status justices and judges.

The Administrative Office of Courts provided that, according to the weighted caseload study, and a recommendation from the Judicial Resources Allocation Commission, the following additional positions are needed: 8 interim active circuit judges, 7 interim active district court judges, 15 administrative support staff, and 8 special roving court reporters. The estimated maximum annual additional cost for these positions would be $2,274,428.

 Steve Clouse, Chair
Ways and Means General Fund