Committee: Finance and Taxation General Fund | Sponsor: Albritton |
Analyst: Tiffany Weaver | Date: 01/25/2022 |
Senate Bill 107 as introduced appropriates the sum of $40,198,388 from the Children First Trust Fund (CFTF) for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023 as follows:
Agency | FY 2022 Appropriation |
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board | $426,500 |
Children's Trust Fund | 2,415,288 |
Department of Forensic Sciences | 494,309 |
Alabama Department of Human Resources | 11,000,000 |
Juvenile Probation Services Fund | 4,646,647 |
Alabama Medicaid Agency | 1,643,289 |
Alabama Department of Mental Health | 2,142,457 |
State Multiple Needs Children's Fund | 4,358,550 |
Department of Public Health | 4,717,267 |
Department of Rehabilitation Services | 246,763 |
Department of Youth Services | 8,107,318 |
Total Appropriation | $40,198,388 |
These funds are conditioned upon receipt of tobacco revenues. Any remaining sums at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the CFTF and shall not revert to the General Fund or to any other fund. This act also transfers approximately $11,700,000 in Children First Trust Fund money allocated to the State Board of Education to the State General Fund for FY 2023.
In addition to the above appropriation, this act also appropriates $52,239,843 from additional tobacco settlement funds for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023 to the following entities:
Agency | FY 2022 Appropriation |
Department of Early Childhood Education | $500,000 |
21st Century Debt Services | 16,000,000 |
Senior Services Trust Fund | 1,413,775 |
Alabama Medicaid Agency | 32,333,121 |
Department of Senior Services - Medicaid Waiver | 1,992,947 |
Total Appropriation | $52,239,843 |
This act also requires that any additional tobacco revenues available for FY 2023 are conditionally appropriated, conditioned upon the recommendation of the Finance Director, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means General Fund Committee and Chairman of the Senate Finance and Taxation General Fund Committee and the approval of the Governor and that notification be provided to legislators representing an area where a grant from the Children First Trust Fund is to be awarded ten days before the funds reach the recipient agency.
Greg Albritton, Chairperson Finance and Taxation General Fund |