Committee: Ways and Means EducationSponsor: Orr
Analyst: Daniel DavenportDate: 04/19/2021


Senate Bill 190 as passed the Senate appropriates from the Education Trust Fund (ETF) for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, $208,262,018 as follows:

* $3,500,000 to the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind (AIDB) of which: (1) $1,000,000 shall be expended for demolition and an environmental study of ANG Decatur Property; and (2) $2,500,000 shall be expended for the Independent Living Center at AIDB Talladega;

* $5,500,000 to the Educational Television Commission for nonrecurring expenditures, including but not limited to transmitters and fiber optic network;

* $2,000,000 to the Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium to assist with recovery efforts from damage caused by Hurricane Sally;

* $1,000,000 to Tuskegee University for Armstrong Hall Laboratory improvements;

* $880,000 to Athens State University, Board of Trustees for one-time costs of HyFlex classrooms;

* $592,300 to the University of West Alabama, Board of Trustees for campus wide security system;

* $900,000 to the University of South Alabama for the School of Marine and Environmental Sciences;

* $175,000 to the University of North Alabama for a workforce development pilot project;

* $545,718 to the Alabama Community College System of which: (1) $315,718 shall be expended for the Drake State Community Technical College NASA Frontier Project; and (2) $230,000 shall be expended for the Wallace Community College-Hanceville Winston County Learning Center project;

* $51,750,000 to the State Department of Education of which: (1) $50,000,000 shall be distributed to the TEAMS Fund established by House Bill 537/Senate Bill 327 of the 2021 Regular Session of the Legislature or subsequent act of the Legislature for the purpose of implementing a new math and science teacher salary schedule; (2) $1,000,000 shall be expended for a marketing campaign for teachers; and (3) $750,000 shall be expended for the National Board for Certification of Teachers;

* $470,000 to the Alabama Commission on Higher Education of which: (1) $270,000 shall be expended for the Best and Brightest STEM Pilot Program under the same terms and conditions as Act 2020-204; and (2) $200,000 shall be expended for the Trails Foundation and allocated as follows: $100,000 for the Singing River Trail and $100,000 for the Pinhoti River Trail;

* $275,000 to the Alabama Historical Commission for one-time expenses for Fort Toulouse;

* $100,000 to the Alabama Department of Archives and History for one-time expenses for the Civil Rights Voting Project;

* $574,000 to the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts for continuation of the evaluation and reorganization study of the State Department of Education;

* $65,000,000 to the Education Trust Fund Advancement and Technology Fund to be allocated in accordance with Section 29-9-4, Code of Alabama 1975; and

* $75,000,000 shall be transferred to the Budget Stabilization Fund established under Section 29-9-4, Code of Alabama 1975, if the Finance Director certifies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021 that the ending balance in the Education Trust Fund exceeds $75,000,000.

 Bill Poole, Chair
Ways and Means Education