Committee: Healthcare | Sponsor: Lee |
Analyst: Robin Rawls | Date: 03/10/2021 |
House Bill 210 as passed the House of Representatives requires hospitals licensed in the state to submit discharge data to the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and for ADPH to collect, compile, analyze and report hospital discharge data. Additionally, the bill would create the 13-member Hospital Discharge Data Advisory Council to consult with ADPH regarding implementation of these provisions, including dissemination of discharge data and reports. This bill further provides that council members may not receive a salary or per diem.
This bill will increase the administrative obligations of ADPH by an undetermined amount to administer the collection and dissemination of discharge data, to adopt rules and to impose civil penalties of not more than $10 per delinquent record.
This bill could also increase receipts to the State General Fund from civil penalties collected by ADPH by an undetermined amount dependent on the number of delinquent records and the length of delinquency, as provided in this bill. This bill prohibits receipts from penalties to be earmarked for ADPH.
Jim McClendon, Chairperson Healthcare |