Committee: State Government | Sponsor: Ellis |
Analyst: Pete Grogan | Date: 02/23/2021 |
House Bill 348 as introduced 1) would increase the obligations of county general funds to pay the bond for deputy tax collection officials which could be offset by the increase in revenues to the county general fund by an undetermined amount, depending upon the number of property owners that fail to claim outstanding balances from tax sales after 60 days, the interest required to be paid on all delinquent taxes, and dependent upon the number of escaped taxes charged a 10% penalty; and 2) could decrease revenues to the State General Fund, county general funds, and municipal general funds, by an undetermined amount, depending upon the number of business or manufacturing licenses that are not issued or renewed due to the individual being delinquent for paying taxes. This bill could decrease obligation to the State General Fund by not having to pay one-third of all advertisement costs for the publication of the list of insolvents. Further, this bill could increase revenues to the tax collection officials by an undetermined amount dependent on the following applicable new fees assessed: 1) $10 processing fee for partial payments of delinquent tax collections; 2) $5 fee for collection of escaped taxes; 3) $5 demand fee for notification of delinquent taxes; and 4) $2 garnishment fee. This bill provides further for the timing of disbursements of certain tax receipts.
In addition this bill could increase receipts to the State General Fund and municipal general funds from fines; increase receipts to the State General Fund, county general funds, municipal general funds, and other funds to which court costs are deposited; and could increase the obligations of the State General Fund, district attorneys, and local jails by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of persons charged with and convicted of the offenses provided by this bill and the penalties imposed.
Chris Pringle, Chair State Government |