Committee: Economic Development and Tourism | Sponsor: Isbell |
Analyst: Julie Knight | Date: 02/19/2021 |
House Bill 101 as introduced would 1) require a non-refundable $100 filing fee and $1,000 license and annual renewal fee to obtain a delivery service license from the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board to transport and deliver beer and wine, up to the volumes established by this bill within a 24 hour period, to individuals in the state that are at least 21 years of age for personal use; 2) provide that violations of these provisions shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $1,000 and imprisonment at the discretion of the court; and 3) authorize the ABC Board to promulgate rules to implement the provisions of the bill.
This bill could increase receipts to the State General Fund, assuming the license fees are distributed in the same manner as other fees for licenses issued by the board; increase receipts to the Education Trust Fund, State General Fund, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Mental Health, counties and municipalities by an undetermined amount dependent upon the price of the beer and wine sold and shipped by the manufacturers; increase receipts to the State General Fund, county general funds, municipal general funds, and other funds to which court costs are deposited; and could increase the obligations of the State General Fund, district attorneys, and local jails by an undetermined amount dependent upon the number of persons charged with and convicted of the offenses provided by this bill and the penalties imposed.
Becky Nordgren, Chair Economic Development and Tourism |