Committee: Finance and Taxation EducationSponsor: Orr
Analyst: Julie KnightDate: 02/03/2021


Senate Bill 77 as introduced and as amended and reported by the Committee on Finance and Taxation Education updates and reorganizes existing procedures, protocols and practices of government procurement as follows: (1) abolishes the Division of Purchasing within the Department of Finance and establishes the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer within the Department of Finance; (2) centralizes the procurement of all goods and services, including professional services; (3) provides for exceptions and exemptions regarding the procurement of professional services; (4) establishes procedures for the awarding of contracts to include procedures for small purchase procurement and special procurements, to be used in unusual and unique situations that prevent the competitive bidding process; (5) authorizes the Chief Procurement Officer to establish a Procurement Advisory Council to conduct studies and make reports and recommendations regarding the improvement of procurement processes; and (6) authorizes the Chief Procurement Officer to appoint advisory groups to assist with the specifications or other areas.

 Arthur Orr, Chairperson
Finance and Taxation Education